Sunday, September 18, 2011

I'm Not A Boy

Every girl has had an experience in life that has had a distinct impact on her character, an experience that led her to find out who she really is.

When I was younger, I was a competitive gymnast. I practically lived in the gym, and my life revolved around gymnastics. I didn't want to deal with my hair flopping all around and having to re-do my ponytail every 45 seconds, so I got my hair cut off pretty short. And by pretty short, I mean it was like a boy's haircut.

To be paired with my boy hairstyle, I had the "tom boy" attitude. I rocked shorts and a t-shirt (which I still rock...). I played sports with boys; I wrested with boys. I didn't want to be treated any differently because of my anatomy, so I didn't act like I was any different.

With all this being said, here's my story.

Picture it: Fulton Grammar School, 1999. I was in Judy Spencer's third grade class. There was a new student in our grade, but I can't really remember if she was in my class or not, but it makes no difference to the outcome of the story. I will leave her name out of this, but we'll call her "Jane".

Jane was a really outgoing, talkative young lady. She tried really hard to fit in, but with Fulton being a small town, it was really hard for her to click with the majority of her classmates.

My first interaction with Jane was in the girls' bathroom. I had just finished my business and was at the sink washing my hands. Jane emerged from her stall as I was reaching for the paper towel. She says, "Excuse me. The boys' bathroom is across the hall!" I responded, "I'm not a boy," and went back to the room and held in my tears until I could get home.

Because of my upper-front quadrant, I am no longer accused of being a boy. However, because of my shoes, clothing, and over-all appearance, I am accused of being a lesbian.

I am neither.


  1. Love you sweet pea :)
    And I still remember that PRECIOUS haircut!!!

  2. I am willing to bet that we had the same hairdresser! ;)

  3. If I had not already met your parents--I would swear I left you at the hospital and took your twin sister home with me!! You and her are exactly alike in so many ways!!! So glad she has finally found her long lost twin!!! Love you!!

  4. we need to swap gymnastics stories
