Saturday, October 1, 2011

Itawamba Blackout

For almost half an hour, the Greater Fulton Area experienced a blackout this evening. Now, I have read on someone's Facebook status that this blackout was caused by a raccoon getting into something at the power station. Whether or not that is true, I'll never know, but it sure makes Fulton sound like a happenin' place!

When the modern conveniences of the 21st century are compromised by a power failure, what am I to do?  Being trapped in my newly renovated cave with my laptop and no internet connection, I felt helpless.  At that exact instant in time, I thought to myself, "Gosh, you should have made yourself watch that documentary on the Amish this summer. But, NO! You had to watch The Incredible Human Body...again. Now you'll never know how to survive in this world without electricity or modern machinery."

I couldn't watch tv. I couldn't creep on Facebook or Twitter. I couldn't do homework (not because of the blackout--I just didn't want to do it.) My whole body felt like my hands when I take a picture--where do I go and what do I do?

We live way out in the sticks, and our section of power line is often forgotten when the Tombigbee Electric Power Association fixes the problem. So, the McLeod household has been plagued by power failures many times in my life. We usually light all of the candles and kerosene lanterns in the house, grab a book or board game, and commune in the living room for some family bonding time. It's always a nice retreat from the hustle and bustle of this technologically crazed world, of which I am extremely dependent.

I'm using this blog as an avenue to find out what other people do when they're forced to step away from TV and computers.

Please comment and share your activities! Mom and I have almost memorized all the Taboo and Mad Gab cards, so we need new ideas for our "Blackout Parties"!


  1. I think you've solved the mystery as to what the fried meat probably was on the Sunday buffet at the Waterfront.

  2. how about a rousing game of "would you rather?"
