Tuesday, September 6, 2011

People Problem

First of all, I've had over 30 views since yesterday's post, but I haven't had a single comment on what to write. I'm bringing this to your attention because I want you to feel guilt and shame. I hope I have succeeded.

Anywho, let's get to today's topic: my problem with people.

I have practically grown up as an only child. My sister was a senior in high school when I was born, and she and her husband have been almost like second parents to me. My older brother is 11 years my senior, and he left for college by the time I started school. With both of my siblings being out of the house almost the entirety of my life, I've never had to share or compromise. I've pretty much gotten my way in everything.

After a recent incident involving a stranger and my things being plundered through, I started thinking about how much I like to be left alone. And I love it! I am as much of an introvert as one can be. It's not that I hate people--that's not at all what I mean. Okay, well, it kind-of is. But, I just cannot communicate or interact with people without being physically and emotionally exhausted.

I didn't interact with my peers in high school. I spent every weekend playing ball or sitting at home with my boyfriend. I never branched out and made friends or even attempted saving the friendships I had acquired in middle school. This sounds utterly pathetic, but it's the truth. I was perfectly fine sitting at home and watching television rather than going to a party and socializing. This habit of living a life vicariously through a character in a show has followed me to college and has severely inhibited my ability to enjoy "the best years of my life."

The reason I went out of state for college was not to just run away from it all. I thought that if I was forced out of my comfort zone into a place where I knew no one, I would have to make friends. I would have to get out and strike up a conversation with a complete stranger. Have I succeeded in this plan? Of course not! I've only made myself more of a recluse. (I have, however, kept Netflix in business with Instant Watching!!!)

I'd love to change this aspect of my personality. I truly would. But the fear of rejection gets my acid reflux on a tear and then I'm too sick to go out. It's lose-lose. I keep thinking, "One day, I'll be a social butterfly," thinking that will be around the time I'm out of school and employed. But if I can't do it now, what makes me think I can do it in 3 years? What if my time for making friends has passed?

I hadn't really realized how quickly this post would go down hill and turn into a Debbie Downer rant. I do enjoy others' company, and I won't refuse it if someone offers. I'm just pissed because someone went through my stuff.


  1. I think you should challenge yourself tomorrow and strike up a random conversation with someone you pass by. I know you can do it. I believe in you. I'm sure Jersey Shore could use a break too :)

  2. The time for making friends never passes. As long as you're alive and active you can make friends. I had the same problem my first year of college especially because I didn't have a roommate. Then, one day I just decided to take a walk around campus for some air, found some people doing something I enjoyed doing, and just joined in. So, one day, between your Netflix programs, just step outside.
    But who can blame you. Sometimes, enjoying your free time without others is just all-around easier because it's so low maintenance and there are no people going through your stuff. (seriously, who does that? You should have opened an economy-sized can of whoop-ass on 'em)
    Anyway, I think you're actually a little more outgoing than you give yourself credit for. Some people gravitate to the easygoing person sitting on the sideline rather than the over-zealous center of attention. I know I will. :)

  3. Me too Madi, me too.
    Truth be told, I don't really like people, but here I am, member of a freaking social club. The very name goes against my personality. BUT I think it's good for me, cause you know, you have to play nice.
    Like LT said, I think you are a little more outgoing than you give yourself credit for. If you really want to socialize more at school join a club! It's a can of instate friends.
    When I met you for the first time at MGS way back in 07, I thought you were a social person. I still think you are pretty darn social :)

  4. All I can say is....you are depriving the world of a wonderful human being. Get out there and be social! :)

    P.S. I need to hear the tell of the plundering of your stuff.

  5. I just want to know what kind of awful, horrible person would not fall in love with you instantly?! If they do exist out there, shame on them for being so ass backward!

  6. I love you, Madi. And I love your blog. I think you're incredibly beautiful, and it pours through you into your writing. It really is lovely; don't ever stop. <3
